27 April 2015

A Word to My Godson on His Birthday

          Life is a series of graduations. You know better than I the challenges involved in learning to understand the mumblings of big people. Then, they expect you to inform them of each bowel movement before the event happens. Only, after this are you considered a "big boy"– another graduation.

          Soon the bliss of toddlering will pass and bathing will become a solitary task, no longer a game. I'm talking about boyhood. The land where men are made; when you will discover that wonder and wander are nearly the same thing.

          But before you leave the house for the woods there are a few things you need to know. 

Adore your mother: She's the only one you'll ever have. Pick her flowers even if they're not really flowers. Only a boy can transform a handful of neglected weeds into a floral bouquet that can outdo all the blossoms of Versailles. 

Honor your father: You will not soon know what a great man he is–that will come in time. He fought demons to bring you into the world and still, he fights battles you'll never know. And it is your small life that called him to the battlefield of his own heart.  

Love the land: From dust you came and to the same you return. A true life blessed from above is sustained from below. Make your favorite color green and live under trees. Read by sunlight and breathe it. 

Live in peace: My son, the world is a horrid place. I need to prepare you for this. Violence is a damndable thing, avoid it as well as you are able, as long as you are able. 

Lift up the weak: Your strength should make others strong. If this is not the case, you have mistaken strength for vice. Live among the weak and your strength will be theirs.  

Listen to the old: They have made mistakes you want no part of. Their lives will be your sign posts keeping you on the right trail.     

Seek truth: We have among us the creditable account of those who knew a man named Jesus of Nazareth. He did things impossible for all other men. He was killed, but did not remain dead. We have eyewitness accounts of his life after execution. Within him you will find truth; you will find existence. Come to him quickly. By God, my son, waste no time. 

Do these things and you will arrive ready to enter the world of men. No one can deny you. 

I have not seen you, but I love you. Until we stand before one another be strong, courageous, and gentle.  


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